Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Happy Blue Year!

Whew! 2017 was a big year, right?! I started the year off protesting and writing and thinking, and then I got active. I took over as chair of my local precinct, and did my level best to help change my town council from red to blue in the November municipal election. Democratic voters in our municipality turned out in record numbers to win in a gigantic landslide, and I am really proud of the part I played in that. I am energized! I am ready to work hard in 2018 to take some congressional seats and help turn my state more blue!

Somewhat disconcertingly, I am becoming KNOWN. I am getting messages and friend requests from total strangers running for positions all over the state and for whom I would not be a constituent. I am becoming a person who meets state congressional candidates for drinks to see if am comfortable throwing my support behind them. Activists are trying to enlist my help with their agendas. This is not a role in which I ever expected to be, but I relish being so far outside my personal comfort zone! I am so happy to be DOING something and to have things on which to ACT.

Like the rest of the voters in the US who are paying attention, I read the news each day, mouth agape, wondering what fresh madness will come down to us from the top of our government. However, I believe with all my heart that the way to turn this mess around is to take it back from the bottom up. Every seat matters. Every vote matters. Every conversation matters.

Tonight, I will host my precinct's monthly happy hour, and then hopefully make it to the Apex Town Council meeting, where my people will be voting on paid parental and bereavement leave for town employees, something that should not be controversial, but is. I will attend more meetings and protests to stay galvanized and help motivate and direct my people in ways that hopefully make a difference. I will keep on keepin' on, learning, planning, and working my ass off. I can't wait! Onward!

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