What do I talk about first? Here's a list of possibilities just off the top of my head:
- Russian interference in our election process and almost certainly in our current administration--this has become nearly indisputable with not only many instances of rumor and smoke, much from within the White House itself, but also with the resignation/firing of Michael Flynn, followed by his offer to testify if granted immunity, which, by his own words, is an admission of guilt.
- The Senate changing the rules of majority in order to push Gorsuch into the Supreme Court--rules that were put in place specifically to disallow the election of a partisan judge to that very office.
- The gassing of Syrian citizens by their own ruler, the monstrous Assad, which was brutal in the extreme and absolutely horrifying to witness via video and photograph, much less in real life. And then 45's attempt to blame Obama for this incident, followed by an abrupt 180 degree turn from every word he's ever spoken about Syria and our involvement therein and subsequent bombing of a Syrian airbase (without consulting congress at all, or anyone else that knows much at all, from Mar-a-Lago surrounded by economic advisers) that remains operational after being missed by over half the tomahawk missiles fired upon it amid rumors that the Syrian government had been mysteriously warned, possibly by Putin, that the assault was imminent.
- How many days has 45 I'm-never-going-to-see-my-resorts-again-I'll-be-working-too-hard played golf since he took office? (18) How many visits to his own properties and resorts? (once every 2.8 days) How much money did that cost tax payers? ($21.6M at Mar-a-Lago so far) And how much of that cost is funnelled directly into his own pockets? Hmmm...
- Ivanka has an office where again? What the wha???
- The poor, disorganized Easter Egg Roll, wherein the current First Family once again throws tradition to the wind and disappoints the people. If they manage to pull this thing off, you know it's going to be a chaotic disaster. I sure hope Spicer still has his bunny suit.
- What was that tiny article that I read about the US moving warships up the Asian coast from Singapore and into position near North Korea, which claims it will have the strength to hit a US target with a nuclear missile before another month has passed. And 45 bragging to China that he was ready to take them on alone without support from other countries, including them? *shudder*
- Now we can shoot hibernating bears and wolves in their dens. Making America Great Again--riiiiiight...
- 3000 jobs to be cut from the EPA, which continues to be gagged on the bulk of its research. That's definitely bring jobs back, right? Not to mention protecting our planet? Oh that's right--I forgot that climate change is all a Chinese hoax.
There's a lot from which to choose. However, my point here is not to be emotional, but analytic. I am striving every day to understand the big picture of what's actually going on in this disorganized and chaotic government. And lately, folks, I have honestly been too emotional to write about it. I am just angry, disappointed, terrified, and apparently, overwhelmed into silence. This is a dangerous place to be: silence is often mistaken for acquiescence. Please don't mistake my lack of writing as a sign of submission. I promise you, it's anything but.
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