Tuesday, April 4, 2017


Observe, if you will, two official Presidential portraits:

Could two men come across more differently than these two? If I knew absolutely nothing at all about either of them, it would be incredibly easy to determine which one I would rather have over for dinner. Knowing what I know about them, that's even more the case.

President Obama looks kind, confident, friendly, professional, and open. He's at ease and standing up straight and proud. He's inside the oval office with the red fabric he chose for drapery treatments behind him and with living plants in the background outside the windows. His clothing is well-fitted and neatly pressed with flattering colors that don't overpower him so that your eyes are drawn to his face and his smile. In sharp contrast, our 45th President looks hostile, angry, and like he may take a step forward and smack the viewer. His expression is reminiscent of my emotional son when he's not getting his way. He's slump-shouldered and looks bowed down. His shirt is wrinkled and looks dingy instead of clean white, and the red tie not only accentuates his ruddy complexion that doesn't look altogether healthy, but it also draws your eyes downward away from his face--that bright red is the first thing you see in the portrait. Also, where is he standing? The White House is behind him, but there's also a flag that looks indoors. Even the sky behind him is even uneasy and stormy, as if nothing here bodes well. Is this photo-shopped together?

Part of what confuses me about this newly unveiled portrait is that 45 has all the money in the world for stylists, photographers, and staff to guide him through a photo session that should have produced something far better than this. Why in the world does he not use the resources he has to give a better impression? Does he believe that this photograph makes him look powerful? I truly don't understand.

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